Key concepts

Key concepts

It’s important to understand several core concepts before getting started:

  • Incidents are the atom of Atlos. Incidents describe a single event and are the core unit of content on Atlos. They include one or more pieces of source material.
  • You can upload or archive source material. To add source material—like photos, videos, or websites—you can upload files or use our automatic web archival system.
  • Projects are the unit of investigations. To begin an investigation, create a project and share it with your team.
  • All data on Atlos is private by default. To collaborate, first share your investigation by sending a project invite link to your team.
  • It’s easy to import an investigation from a spreadsheet. If you’d like to move an investigation from a spreadsheet on Atlos, create a new project, navigate to its Manage page, and bulk import a CSV.